HD Video available in the underneath links.
Nothing new going on: in fact the game seems to be a clone of Gears of War (new trailer out, by the way) and even the spot looks machinima style like GoW spots.
As usual with this cinematics, no information about who made it. Will add if and when I’ll know more about it. |
Niente di nuovo: in effetti il gioco sembra essere un clone di Gears of War (è uscito il trailer nuovo, tra l’altro) e persino lo spot usa lo stile machinima come gli spot di GoW.
Come al solito, con questi filmati, non ho informazioni sui realizzatori. Le aggiungerò quando e se le trovo. |
DOWNLOAD (1280×720): Scarica Quantum Theory Trailer.
[Format: MPEG-4 - Size: 72 MB - Running Time: 2 min.]
DOWNLOAD (ALT.): Scarica Quantum Theory Trailer.
[Format: Ogg Video - Size: 50 MB - Running Time: 2 min.]
WATCH (ALT.): Guarda Quantum Theory Trailer in finestra.
[Needs: Flash]
WATCH (ALT.): Guarda Quantum Theory Trailer in finestra.
[Needs: Windows Media]
DOWNLOAD (768×432): Scarica Quantum Theory Trailer.
[Format: MPEG-4 - Size: 20 MB - Running Time: 2 min.]
WATCH (LO RES): Guarda Quantum Theory Trailer in finestra.
[Needs: Flash Video]
CODECS: Ogg – Windows Media – Flash